Five Ways to Persuade Your Readers to Purchase Your Product

Blogging is all about persuasion. Although you may be focused on writing, if you aren’t also focused on persuasion, you won’t have any readers. When you are able to persuade, you’ll be able to recruit new members to your site, encourage them to share your site or products with others, and you’ll also be able to increase your site’s revenue for long-term growth.
Increasing traffic to your site is generally much easier than trying to increase sales, but having a clear plan going forward can lead to massive benefits. Your main focus should be on creating a product others simply can’t match and everyone wants to talk about. Sure, it may sound easier to say than do, but using these few simple methods for persuading your readers, you’ll be able to increase sales without changing your product or main focus.
1. Be sincere and know your product. The world’s best marketers didn’t get where they are selling products that don’t live up to their promises. By informing their potential customers and providing truthfulness in their marketing approaches, these people have been able to sell millions of products. In addition, they rarely diverted attention to the competitors’ products – they answered all the questions in their videos or articles to effectively persuade.
2. Influence your readers. While persuasion and influence go hand in hand, there is a difference between the two. Persuasion is the act of persuading someone to do something, while influence is the ability to impact or effect someone using your power. Get your readers to believe that your product or service will solve problems and they have a much higher chance of parting with their hard-earned money. This begins with selling a successful record of solving problems. A good way to do this is through testimonials, which leads into the third method.
3. Provide answers and reasoning behind the product or service. Launching a product or service into the marketplace can be quite challenging, especially if it is your first or if you are trying to enter into a whole new product category. On your sales pages or through video, answer as many questions as possible, leaving very little potential questions unanswered. Another way to do this is through “testimonials.” I place this in quotations as testimonials have been so abused, especially in the age of the Internet where everything can be forged.
4. Think of persuasion as an art. Like an artist, it’ll take time before you know what works and what doesn’t. It’ll also be a skill that you can’t learn overnight and not everyone will be able to be successful at it. Simply trying to sell someone a product won’t work. People are able to single out and isolate advertisements – this is one of the reasons why you need hundreds of thousands of visitors each month to make a good income online and millions of watchers on television.
5. Paint a positive picture. Continuing from method four, you should always try to paint a positive picture of your products and services. Often, you’ll find negative reviews of your products on blogs due to people who didn’t understand how to use your product/service. If this is the case, you should reach out to answer their questions or solve their problems. Rather than losing slaes, you’ll be able to convince them that your product is effective, resulting in an increase of sales. You don’t want people to even think about comparing your product to what the competition offers.
Conclusion. Having an effective approach in persuading your readers is extremely important. It can mean the difference between one sale and a hundred. More often than not, landing sales is the result of just a few lines of copy – the lines that truly convince your visitors that your product is much better than anything your competitors offer.

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